illustrator and designer

The Brandon Agency


The Brandon Agency

Social Media Design, Print Design, Illustration

The Brandon Agency is a full-service advertising agency. To promote our agency and insights to assist growing companies or attract new business, we create a wide variety of marketing and digital content. This includes white papers and one-sheeters that are both printed and emailed as interactive infographics. I also design assets for all social media channels. While doing this, I collaborate internally and brainstorm new concepts and campaigns to best promote the message and skillset of the agency.

White Paper Design

White paper content for The Brandon Agency primarily focused on marketing tips for different sectors. Because these were research based, it was important to highlight statistics, and pull out key points for readers.

Social Media Design

Each month, I collaborate with the marketing department to plan and design posts for the content calendar. Focus of topics is usually on blog and educational content, with a mix of company culture and lifestyle posts. For these posts, it is directed to fit strongly into the brand standards of the agency, so it is easily recognizable and cohesive on the page feed.